A Citizen's Approach
David’s Substack Podcast
In Favor of Family

In Favor of Family

The Family Has A Track Record of Victory

Authors Note: Growing up as a millennial, I often heard parts of the controversy over same-sex marriage and homosexuality. I vaguely remember "Prop 8" although I wasn't involved in it - but mostly I remember struggling to make sense of the arguments from both sides. I didn't really have a dog in the fight, one way or the other.

Now, having looked at the issues from the more serious light of my own maturity, I see a gaping hole in the conservative argument. I wonder if things would have made more sense to me if I had heard the argument I attempted to present in this article when I was younger.

In my mind, any betrayal of heterosexuality - including our failures to fix the problems which plague traditional families in our own times - amounts to self-betrayal and the subversion of our entire society.

Hopefully, this chain of logic draws a line in the sand which clearly shows the fundamental harm of same-gender marriage and creates a launch-pad for the repudiation of the other developments within the politically driven LGBTQ movement.

Within the framework of the existing familial system there are errors, complications, corruptions, and decay. We sometimes call this ‘dysfunction,’ the major consequences of which are probably divorce, abuse, and misery for parents and children – sometimes spanning generations like a plague.

And it might be the case, that real problems - stemming from within families - have led many of the rising generation on a desperate pursuit to find some viable alternative. Perhaps a life without marriage, without children, and without family is viable?

All of these considerations beg the question:

Would we have a society, if heterosexual human activity had not continued – without abatement, and without interruption, from ancient times and further back, beyond the scope of human imagination?

Would our society be concerned with principles of proper government in the absence of heterosexuality and its articulation?

Would you and I be hell-bent on arguing one way or the other about the Constitution of the United States if the population of our nation were not going to continue, because of the force of heterosexual attraction?

Everything we do in regard to culture, to community, to government, philosophy or religion, hinges on the fact that the titanic behemoth of heterosexual force and power WILL continue to surge forward.

Civilizations come and go. Nations rise and fall.

And yet the procreative engine of humanity has vibrantly and unfailingly demonstrated its invincibility – against all conceivable odds, and against every actual disaster.

More to the point, in the midst of our culture wars, we can easily make the case for heterosexuality apart from any faith tradition.

Oftentimes, opponents of traditional marriage reference religion or Judeo-Christian morality as the single source of heterosexual behavior, in and of itself, and then proceed to attack BOTH, which probably means the actual target is the religious tradition itself, not heterosexuality.

Every single one of us owes our lives to heterosexuality. We simply would not exist in its absence. And our existence indicates that we are the product of an unfathomable number of heterosexual generations. The trajectory of our lives stretches back millions of years and each of us has a innumerable ancestors – parents in their own right, and heterosexuals by definition.

To spurn the behavior which brought us into existence is existentially treacherous, self-betraying to ourselves at a minimum. And if that weren’t bad enough, it is also subversive to the people around us, and openly hostile to further generations of children – if not our own, then that of others.

The controversies over the LGBTQ political doctrines are NOT arguments that can be reduced to religious parameters.

It might be the case that certain religious teachings mirror or reflect the fundamental fabric and truth of reality, in this case, heterosexuality.

That simply means that the LGBTQ movement is not contending with a religion or a church. It is contending with the fabric of reality – and that is simply a losing battle.

A good question to ask might be, “Do I hate my own existence, and the idea of continuing generations of valuable people? Or do I actually hate Judeo-Christianity, the Church, the idea of condemnation, the things that Christians do or have done?”

Heterosexuality takes the day independent from ANY religious tradition.

My argument is simply for the truth.

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David George